
October Newsletter: The Importance of Oral Hygiene


Oral HygieneEach year, thousands of Canadians are projected to be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer. Two thirds of the time, these will be found as late as stage three and four of the disease. Of those newly diagnosed individuals, only slightly more than half will be alive in 5 years! Similar survival estimates are reported from other countries. For example, five-year relative survival for oral cavity cancer patients in Germany is about 55%. Survival rates of patients diagnosed with oral cancer have not significantly improved in decades. The death rate for oral cancer is higher than cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, laryngeal cancer, cancer of the testes, and endocrine system cancers such as thyroid, or skin cancer (malignant melanoma). If the definition of oral cancer is expanded to include cancer of the larynx, for which the risk factors are the same, the numbers of diagnosed cases grow to approximately 50,000 individuals, and 13,500 deaths per year in the U.S.. Worldwide, the problem is much greater, with over 640,000 new cases being found each year.

Oral Hygiene


Low public awareness of the disease is a significant factor, but these cancers could be found at early highly survivable stages through a simple, painless, five-minute examination by a trained medical or dental professional.  Your dentist can play an important role in the early detection of oral cancer. Dentistry is about prevention and the dental exam is the foundation of good oral health. Most dental plans cover exams every 6 or 9 months. A dentist may notice subtle changes in the mouth that a patient won’t. The oral cancer examination performed by your dentist during a routine dental exam is fast, easy and painless – and it could save your life!



Many Canadians still don’t understand the differences between an RRSP and a TFSA. According to a CIBC poll, 80% of Canadians have never talked to an advisor about optimizing their TFSA account, even though half of them admitted they need advice.
Click Here to see a brief guideline of the differences between an RRSP & a TFSA.

The TFSA contribution room may be rolled back depending on the result of the next federal election that is coming up.

Contact one of our advisors today to help you create a financial plan that suits your needs and to optimize your investments.