
Financial Advisor

Working With a Financial Advisor With a Strong Financial Plan         

An experienced financial advisor is a great person to have in your corner. Working with a Toronto financial advisor will allow you the ability to both plan and determine both your short term and long term financial goals.

We have been providing expert financial advice for clients in the GTA since 1998.

The numbers are very clear. A recent LIMRA Retirement study found that both pre-retirees and retirees who work with a financial advisor are more confident in their retirement outlook. An experienced financial planner will take a look at your current situation and work with you to develop and prepare an action plan with predictions and recommendations. Also, your financial advisor will work with you long term to properly implement your plan and establish regular communication to ensure your plan is working as it was planned.

It begins with a solid and realistic plan; here are 10 ways a Toronto financial advisor can help.

  1. Income: You need to have a strong understanding of how much money you bring home every month. The best way to manage your income is by proper planning and budgeting. Monitoring your income will give you a strong understanding of how much money you will need to pay regular expenditures such as taxes.
  2. Cash Flow: Optimizing your cash flow is essential in any well-designed financial plan. By carefully monitoring your spending patterns you will be better able to optimize the amount of money you spend each month. Developing a budget and sticking to it will be your best method for managing cash flow and will help keep more money in your pocket.
  3. Capital: The amount of capital you have access to will have a direct impact on your financial plan. An increase in cash flow will usually lead to an increase in overall capital. With more capital, you will have the ability to consider more investment opportunities.
  4. Family Security: It’s always important to ensure your family’s financial security is never in question when coming up with an investment plan. There are some great insurance products on the market that provide protection and peace of mind for the people you care most about.
  5. Investments: Everyone is unique and there is no such thing as a financial plan that works for everyone. It’s important to work with your financial advisor to come up with an action plan that takes into account your personal circumstances, goals and your risk tolerance. An experienced financial advisor will guide you through everything you need to know to make a decision that works for both you and your family.
  6. Standard of Living: Unexpected things happen in life and a strong financial plan is the best protection you can have. A well-structured plan will help maintain your standard of living during some of life’s most difficult times.
  7. Financial Understanding: The foundation of a successful financial plan begins with a strong plan. A financial advisor will work to establish measurable and attainable financial goals. This will give you a great understanding of each element of your financial plan and will lead to better long term results.
  8. Assets: Gaining a strong understanding of your assets is another essential part of your financial plan. It’s always great to have a nice cushion in the form of assets, that being said, many assets come with liabilities attached to them. A financial advisor will work with you to help determine the value of your assets. It’s important to build your assets, but without future financial burdens.
  9. Savings: It’s nice to have a ‘rainy day’ fund, that’s where having savings is an essential part of a financial plan. Sudden changes in life loss as a job loss or illness can have a devastating effect on even the most well executed financial plan. Having high liquidity investments and savings can provide the protection needed to anything that throws your plan off track. In addition to having emergency money, your savings can help you realize future retirement and education goals.
  10. Ongoing Advice: Building a long-term relationship with a local financial advisor is the best way to achieve financial planning success. Trust is an essential element for financial success. It’s imperative to establish trust in the early stages by sitting down with your financial advisor to provide honest feedback on your current circumstances. Your plan should be customized for you taking into account your own individual goals.

When it comes to your financial future you want to partner with a financial planning professional. We are experts in establishing financial plans that can achieve real-life goals such as funding post-secondary education, retirement, providing a cushion for unexpected financial losses and for providing a meaningful legacy for your loved ones.

At Tanner Financial Services our goal is to provide our clients the peace of mind they deserve. We know that you work hard for your money and you deserve to have someone in your corner that works hard to build your financial plan.

Why Tanner Financial Services?

  • We are your one-stop destination for all of your future financial and protection needs.
  • We have dedicated financial advisors to provide comprehensive financial advice.
  • We work with you to help you achieve your dreams.
  • We provide comprehensive financial advice through every phase of your life’s journey.
  • We are here to help you plan for tomorrow, today!

Let’s take the first step in your financial planning together by speaking with one of our experienced financial advisors today. We have been helping our clients realize their financial goals since 1998. In addition to providing excellent financial planning services, we offer everything you need to realize your future financial goals and have the protection you need for the future. Our goal is to be in your corner through everything life can throw your way.

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